Our Rules
No Food Or Drinks
Do Not Touch TV's
No Shoes on the Seats
No Jumping or Running
No Fighting
Do Not Grab Controllers When Entering
No Dropping or Throwing Controllers
Do Not Take Controllers Outside the Trailer
Ask Game Coach to Switch Out Games
No Cursing or Foul Language
Children Under 5 Must be Accompanied by Adult
Refund or Cancellation Policy
A valid credit card or debit card is required to guarantee and pay for your Gamers Hideout reservation. There will be a $25 cancellation fee for all parties or events canceled after payment is received. NO REFUND in the event of reservation being canceled within 14 days of your event. Gamers Hideout will make every effort to postpone your event, with no penalty, to another date should cancellation be necessary.
A Travel surcharge will be applied for locations in excess of 50 miles from the 30303 zip code. The weight of a fun-packed trailer like ours requires a lot of gas to travel long distances. So this surcharge assists us with those fees for bringing the fun to your front door.
Gamers Hideout does require a parent or responsible adult to be present inside or just outside of the trailer at all times. Guests 16 and over require a parent or guardian to be on the property and within contact of the game coach should a need to contact them arise.
All Laser Tag Party participants must have a signed “hold harmless” waiver prior to participation. Minors (under 18) must have the waiver signed by a parent or responsible guardian.
When the truck pulls up, we will try to park in the most level & flat area or logical spot to accommodate your party. Sometimes, we park in your neighborhood street, so you might want to let your neighbors know (in case they may object) or let us know if you have a preferred spot for us. We might also have to block a driveway. **Please keep in mind that our Game Coach will not park anywhere that may cause a danger to persons, property, or equipment. Our truck and trailer combination is very long and we will need a minimum of 55 feet of space to park. Additionally, our Game Coach will never disconnect the truck from the trailer at a party/event without prior approval nor park off of a hardened surface.
Gamers Hideout will not play any “M” rated or higher game in the video game theater without a request from the client prior to the party/event or adult approval at the time of the event. If you wish to have an “M” rated game or higher at your party/event please send an Email to gamershideoutatlanta5737@gmail.com indicating the game you prefer or let the Game Coach know as soon as you can after he gets there. It is also recommended that all clients email Gamers Hideout with their game requests.
One service that Gamers Hideout provides is photographs of the party in action from the inside of the Theater. If you prefer not to have pictures of the party posted on our Fan Page please let us know.